--------------- The Coders Section --------------- ----------- By Kreator ----------- ------- Help - Page ------- KREATOR, I have only been coding for about a month, and when I recieved STOLEN DATA disk mag off a contact I decided to read the section on bobs,but I soon found that it was mostly incomprehen- sible. So how about something which myself and other apprentice coders might be able to grasp ?, like how to do a scrolly, detailing what needs to be done, how to do it, and some source code included on the disk. I think this would be a more logical progression than starting with probably the most complicated subject, like blitter objects, and would help a lot more guys like me who are just starting to code. From The Neuromancer !! -------------------------------------- Neuromancer, Your wish is my command, you will see that in this month's issue I have split the Coding section into a beginners and a more advanced section. -------------------------------------- Yo Man ! It would be cool to see some sinus-scroller sources in your great mag ! Bye Signed Jarno -------------------------------------- Jarno, This issue's coding section was already written when I received your letter. However I'll see what I can do for issue 3, sounds like a good idea. --------------------------------------